Hello to everyone no matter where you are from.
If you are new here my name is Brianne and I am a facilitator from northern Alberta, welcome. If you are back welcome to you too!
It's a new year and we can sometimes be in the glitter and excitement of the celebration of it all.
Then it wears off and all the glitter is just shit you need to vacuum after.
I felt the same way this year. I had huge plans to kick it off like Mel Robbins! However, upon further inspection, I remembered I am not Mel Robbins.
I have created a very different life for myself and my family. Things can make a change and drain your energy.
Over the holidays everyone had a turn be really sick at our place. This changed all the fun xmas plans I had to basically just me and my 2 year old eating all the food because no one else could, and watching movies.
Then we had to deal with a lot of illness with our horse family here and that was a hard hit as well.
So here we are now, I am sitting in an untidy house, it is -20 Celsius (-27 with the wind) and I don't feel like cleaning, cooking a healthy meal, going outside or even going to bed.
I have the blahs!
So this is the start of something fresh. After sitting here by my wood stove watching the fire, I came to a conclusion.
Sometimes all we can do is the best for right now. The last year (2023) was really emotional for our household and like it or not, it does change how you see the world.
Just like when you get paid your mindset can be very different then when you make a huge payment on something.
So here is the challenge I have created for myself and if you feel like it, you can do it too. There are only 5 components and this will be just over a month long and we will review on Valentines day:
Forgive yourself and forget what you have been told it should look like.
Time block all activities!
Take a 15 minute nap or meditation free from all devices every day.
Purge a space in your home, office or online spaces for 10 minutes everyday.
Take a photo of the spaces you are purging to document your success.
That's it.
I am a creative person, but I am also action based. So sometimes these two pieces can collide to create a chaotic environment, of which nobody can get me out of. So this challenge is to create a shift in a pattern.
To make a new way for us to see why we want certain things, to simplify and cast new light on our own personal values and needs.
There are no specific rules.
You get to customise this as you see fit and time blocking can be as small as 5 minute increments. Do what works!
I am excited to share this with everyone and I hope if you are open to it you can try this and takeaway what works and what doesn't.
Enjoy your life and take please and pride in that you are different. You do not need to do it as you have been programmed to do!
I send love to everyone and I hope you all create some peace of mind for yourself.
Thank you for checking in